
He's a silly pup but you'll love him!

$Whacko is a token dedicated to taking over Solana in the name of all whacked-out Inus. $Whacko is on its way to the moon since,

"...all dogs go to heaven."

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Our Goal

Connecting Inu lovers with the nuttiest dog memes, $Whacko reminds us that laughter is the best medicine.

Why Whacko

NFT Staking Pool: 20% supply reserved for distribution

Planned Jackpot Bot



Symbol: $Whacko

Supply: 100,000,000

Buy/Sell Tax: 0%

Liquidity: 100% burned

Distribution: 50% pool,
20% staking,
10% multisig marketing,
20% dev team (~3% each)

Dev team: 6 members with time-locked wallets
(release 25% every 5 days)

Token address: xxx

Copyright ©2024 Whacko